Easy peasy - Steps to your Canada Taxback

  • Did you work in Canada under an IEC* work permit?​

    *International Experience Program: Working Holiday, Young Professional, International Co-Op

  • Are you back in your home country?​

    Did you leave Canada permanently?

  • Do you need help with the Canadian tax return?​

    Then you've come to the right place. Canadataxback can help

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Around February/March of each year you will receive a T4 from each employer in Canada. For example in February/March 2025 you will receive a T4 for the tax year 2024. The Canadian tax year is from January-December. 

The T4 Statement of Remuneration is a summary of the tax year where all earnings and deductions are reported to the CRA. 

You need this T4 from each employer to be able to file your Canadian tax return.

Canadataxback offers affordable tax back service to all International Experience Canada participants (International Experience Program: Working Holiday, Young Professional, International Co-Op) who permanently left Canada and returned to their home country. Here are the steps in the process: 

  • Fill out the taxback request form

    After you received all T4 slips, you fill out the SSL-secured form and provide basic information about your tax situation to determine your tax residency. No sensitive personal information is required at this stage.

  • Receive a free calculation

    You will receive one free calculation within 48 hours. Then you will know how much refund you will receive or if you owe taxes to the CRA. Then you can decide if you want to use the taxback service. No commitment.

  • Further documentation needed

    If you decide to use the taxback service, you provide further documentation and identification. An SSL secured form makes sure you can submit the required documents securely. Never send T4 or ID documents via email. This data stays on the server and is only used to prepare the tax return. After the tax return has been sent to you, this form and all uploaded documents will be irrevocably deleted from the server.

  • Pay the invoice

    The most affordable taxback service on the Internet. The service fee per tax return is 10% of the calculated refund amount, a minimum of $20 but a maximum of $60 no matter how much money you get refunded. > If you owe taxes to the CRA, the service fee is a flat $20. > If you also had self-employment as a sole proprietor during the tax year, the tax return becomes more complicated. The flat fee will be $60.

  • Get your tax return and send it off

    After payment, you will receive a password-secured PDF with the tax return and instructions. You print and sign the tax return and send it to the CRA via post. Mailing address will be provided with the instructions.

  • Wait for your money

    In case of a tax refund: I will never have access to your money, because communication from the CRA will always be through you directly. Same with the cheque, it will be issued to you directly. So within the regular processing time of 2-4 months you personally will receive the taxback cheque from the CRA. You cash the cheque in your home country straight into your own bank account. Please clarify with your bank in your home country if they are able to cash foreign cheques.

Another option to get the tax refund from the CRA is to keep your Canadian bank account open and cash the cheque into the Canadian bank account, then move the funds out to your home country. More info here. 

  • If you owe taxes to the CRA

    The service fee for taxes owing is a flat $20 (or $60 if self employment income must be included). Together with the tax return paperwork you will receive instructions how to pay the amount owing to the CRA. You can even pay with your credit card if you do not have a Canadian bank account.

Do you have questions to Canada Taxes?
Here you can find general Canada Taxback FAQ's