Who is Canadataxback?

My name is Ute Lurtz, and you can find me as an active member of most “Work and Travel Canada” or “Working Holiday Canada” Facebook support groups.

I did a Working Holiday year in Canada and fell in love with the beautiful country. Even though I’m a little older now, I’m still not out of the “Work and travel” mode. I love the stunning scenery of the Rocky Mountains which I have on my doorstep and whenever I have the opportunity to travel, I take advantage of it.

I immigrated to Canada with my husband and we now live in our favorite place Calgary, near the Rocky Mountains. A good starting point for new Work and Travellers with a lot of job opportunities in the surrounding mountain towns, Canmore, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper.

My main job since moving to Canada has been in customer service with some reputable RV rental companies where I greeted and served many travelers from all over the world. But my hobby and passion has always been the help and support in the “Work and Travel Canada” community. 

Canadataxback was founded as a part-time job and since then I have been helping German work and travellers to get their taxes back from Canada. With the help of “Canadataxback” and since 2014, over $2 million in taxes have been claimed from the Canadian Tax Authority for German Work and Travellers. 

Canadataxback expanded the services to the entire IEC (International Experience Canada) community and will offer the most affordable taxback services on the Internet. Canadian tax returns starting at only $20. No Internet taxback service can beat this price. Where is the catch? You ask yourself. There is none… >> read here << 

2022 After being active in the Working Holiday Canada community for so many years, I thought it was time for an info blog on which the many recurring questions of the Work and Travellers are answered. 

On this newly created website www.working-holiday-canada.com all future Working Holiday Canada applicants will find

  • a guide to apply for the Working Holiday with many hints and important information
  • the most frequently asked questions about the Working Holiday Canada application process
  • questions about what is the best health insurance for the Working Holiday, bank account, Canadian SIM card, etc.

So see you around! Either in the many Working Holiday Canada groups or when you need Canadian taxback help.